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Home Care After Surgery

Today, your brave little Buckaroo received dental care under general anesthesia. The following instructions will assist you in caring for your child after surgery.

It is normal to have a sore throat and nasal stuffiness after general anesthesia. These symptoms should get better in 48 hours or less. If your child has pain, discomfort or slight temperature elevation (less than 101 F), you may give Children’s Tylenol according to the directions on the bottle. If the temperature rises above 101 F, call your child’s private physician or local emergency room.

Only a small amount of clear liquids should be given to the child for the first 3 to 4 hours after surgery. Suggested are such things as popsicles, water, Jell-O, Pedialyte, Gatorade, clear juices and broth. If clear liquids are tolerated, soft foods such as soup, salted crackers, mashed potatoes and apple sauce may be added the day of surgery. A regular diet may be resumed next day. Avoid foods that are too greasy, spicy, sticky, or hard. If nausea or vomiting should occur, stop any food or liquids for a couple of hours, then start over with clear liquids and gradually progress to regular foods.

You should observe and supervise your child’s activity for the rest of the day. Your child might experience sleepiness or dizziness for several hours following general anesthesia. Your child may return to school or normal activities the day after surgery if there are no problems.

Your little Buckaroo will be scheduled to return to The Dental Ranch for a follow-up appointment with in 7- 10 days after surgery. You will also receive a call from The Dental Ranch with then three days after surgery to check up on your little Buckaroo.

Please call The Dental Ranch at (972)-438-5444,
in the next few days, to schedule the appointment.

Other articles on Buckaroo dental care:

Buckaroo’s First Visit – learn about what to expect during your child’s first visit to The Dental Ranch and how you can make it an enjoyable experience.

Care After Dental Services – learn about traditional dental services and what to expect following treatment.

Our Insurance Coordinator Deputies can discuss
all treatment required and all of the options available.
You will receive a full treatment plan, along with details of costs.