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Buckaroo’s First Visit

Our pediatric, friendly staff will review the health history form with you at the first visit. You and your Buckaroo will get to meet our Sheriffs and Deputies (our dentists and staff). The Sheriffs will perform a head and neck examination and then evaluate the health of the teeth, gums and your Buckaroo’s bite. X-rays are taken only if the Sheriff feels it’s necessary. Any additional services will be scheduled for later visits.

If your Buckaroo is over the age of three, we ask that you place your child in our care and allow our dental staff to accompany them through the dental experience. We are all highly experienced in helping children overcome anxiety. Separation anxiety is not uncommon in children, so please try not to be concerned if your child exhibits some negative behavior. This is normal and will soon fade. Studies and experience have shown that most children over the age of three react more positively when permitted to experience the dental visit on their own and in an environment designed for children.

Help make your Buckaroo’s first visit to the dentist enjoyable and positive: if old enough, inform your child of the visit. Let them know about the Deputies and Sheriffs who will explain all procedures and answer any questions. Please, avoid using words around your Buckaroo that might cause excessive fear, such as “needle”, “shot”, “pull”, “drill” or “hurt”. The Dental Ranch makes a practice of using words that convey the same message, but are amusing and non-frightening to the child.

We look forward to your little Buckaroo’s visit to The Dental Ranch!

Other articles on Buckaroo dental care:

Home Care After Surgery – learn what to expect and how to care for your little Buckaroo after dental surgery.

Care After Dental Services – learn about traditional dental services and what to expect following treatment.

Our Insurance Coordinator Deputies can discuss
all treatment required and all of the options available.
You will receive a full treatment plan, along with details of costs.